
Experience The Next Level Of Web Hosting With Plesk

Plesk is the #1 alternative choice for cPanel, its features and flexibility with our powerful web hosting will make your web hosting journey more exciter.

Build, Secure And Run

Everything you’ll need to effortlessly build your projects, secure against vulnerabilities and automate your day-to-day tasks – on one simple dashboard and superb web hosting

Managed Hosting
You create your website, we take care of the rest, this is the promise of Illevante Cloud web hosting.
User-friendly UI
Configure your products and services through our simplified, centralized interface.
Backup And Restore
We offer a backup and restore tool for your files and databases. You can restore your files in just one click!
Anti-DDoS Protection
Protects against distributed denial-of-service attacks, as it does for all Illevante Cloud solutions: Our web services are delivered with the very strictest protection.
Detailed Statistics And Logs
Track the number of visits to your websites. Our statistics dashboard gives you a full view of your traffic.
Support And Help Center
Our support levels and multilingual guides will help you with all your web projects.

Upgrade Your Experience With Premium Perks

From personal blogs to high-traffic e-commerce sites, we’ve got a plan that fits

Plesk Pico

$ 9.99/ PER YEAR

Plesk Nano

$ 29.99/ PER YEAR

Plesk Micro

$ 49.99/ PER YEAR

Plesk Pico

$ 0.99/ PER MONTH

Plesk Nano

$ 2.99/ PER MONTH

Plesk Micro

$ 4.99/ PER MONTH

Compare plans features

Plesk Pico

Plesk Nano

Plesk Micro

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Plesk Hosting Features

Keep control of everything your business concerns

Our Plesk hosting provides you with all the features you would expect to get from a corporate grade collaboration suite

Plesk Developers

Free One-click Website Software

Applications on the go, with one click installation. Get access to 80+ free website apps that will help you build or improve your website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why buy an SSL certificate when you can get one for free?

You can use free SSL/TLS certificates, such as Let’s Encrypt. But there are several reasons why it’s better to buy an SSL/TLS certificate from a trustworthy certificate authority:

  • A paid certificate is issued for one year; a free Let’s Encrypt certificate must be renewed every three months. This requires additional resources. Setting up auto-renewal does not guarantee uninterrupted issuance.
  • Even minor problems on the server that happen during reissuance can lead to loss of certification, resulting in reduced traffic, increased user distrust, business downtime, and insecurity of transmitted data. During this time, browsers may downgrade the resource in the rankings and will restrict login to the site with a warning about its insecurity.
  • Paid certificates work with new and old browsers, regardless of the update date. Free certificates often have conflicts with browsers of outdated versions.
  • Free certificates come only at the entry level of validation – DV. They do not contain any information about the organization, which negatively affects the trust and security of users.
  • Upon the occurrence of an insured event, the owner of a paid SSL certificate has the opportunity to file for damages and insurance payment.
  • Paid certificates have more flexible configurations with the ability to combine multiple options, such as issuance per IP address + Wildcard SAN + SAN.
  • Support from a CA is better for paid certificates. If you encounter problems or have questions about the certificate, you can get help from the support team quickly and easily.
  • Paid certificates are issued by well-known, reputable certificate authorities, adding credibility to your site from both users and browsers.
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